





“Genyousha” and “Wartime Propaganda Poetry”

At the core of my artistic activities are two pillars. The first revolves around the “Genyosha,” a political organization formed in Fukuoka at the end of the 19th century that disappeared after World War II.The other focuses on “Wartime Propaganda Poetry,” which was widely written during Ⅱwartime and also disappeared with the defeat.The “Genyosha” was a political organization born in Fukuoka in 1880, active under the banner of Pan-Asianism. My grandfather was also one of its members and repatriated from Manchuria to Fukuoka after the war. Under the post-war GHQ occupation, the “Genyosha” was regarded as a dangerous far-right group and forced to dissolve. Its existence was subsequently erased. I myself received post-war education that viewed the “Genyosha” as dangerous, and for a long time, I didn’t try to understand its reality. However, now I’m confronting the “question” of what role its activities played in the society of that time, and why its existence was erased.

Regarding the “War Support Poetry,” it began when I received about 230 poetry and literary collections published during the war from Mr. Yoshihisa Otani, representative of the “Kanransha” gallery, in 2020. These materials include many works by famous poets such as Hakushu Kitahara and Tatsuji Miyoshi, and I’m exploring how they responded to the times by writing poems praising the war, and how they later erased their footsteps. In these two contradictory moments, there is history and indelible truth that we should face directly.

These themes are intentionally erased and forgotten in Japanese history. However, if we continue to ignore them, a large blank space will be created in our thinking. This blank space doesn’t arise from mere indifference, but it can be said to omit an essential part of understanding our own identity. In my work, I observe this “blank space” or “hole” and explore what can be seen there. Through this, I want to form a new place where we can return, a place that intersects with history. History should always be questioned and reconstructed. This forms the basis of my artistic activities.